
next spider-man mcu movie

12 stories from comics we’d like to see in the next Spider-Man MCU movies!

Hot after the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, there’s people at the MCU that must be thinking right now (heck, they must have it already decided…) which will be their next Spider-Man movie blockbuster. Spider-Man has years and years of stories to take inspiration from to come out with a new movie. As a […]

best spider-man comics

Best Spider-Man Comics that you MUST Read

Spider-Man is one of those fiction characters that transcended through the medium.  Now he is a worldwide brand that everybody is familiar with. Everybody knows who Spider-Man is and he has a connection with the audience that very characters can brag about. But of course, there is a question that needs to be asked: Where […]

Spiderman Black Cat

Why I recommend Spiderman / Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do

In this post I bring you material form some years ago. But I wanted to comment on an entertaining story from our beloved wallcrawler and this one has been lost to many readers: I’ll review here the Spiderman / Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do miniseries, by Kevin Smith. One story that also has […]